Pancreatogastrostomy versus pancreatojejunostomy for RECOnstruction after partial PANCreatoduodenectomy (RECOPANC): study protocol of a randomized controlled trial UTN U1111-1117-9588
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A comparison of intervention and conservative treatment for angulated fractures of the distal forearm in children (AFIC): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
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Adenocarcinomas of the Esophagogastric Junction Are More Likely to Respond to Preoperative Chemotherapy than Distal Gastric Cancer
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BariSurg trial: Sleeve gastrectomy versus Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in obese patients with BMI 35-60 kg/m(2) - a multi-centre randomized patient and observer blind non-inferiority trial
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CERAMENT treatment of fracture defects (CERTiFy): protocol for a prospective, multicenter, randomized study investigating the use of CERAMENT™ BONE VOID FILLER in tibial plateau fractures
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ChroPac-Trial: Duodenum-preserving pancreatic head resection versus pancreatoduodenectomy for chronic pancreatitis. Trial protocol of a randomised controlled multicentre trial
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Clinical trials in gastric cancer and the future
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CoCStom trial: study protocol for a randomised trial comparing completeness of adjuvant chemotherapy after early versus late diverting stoma closure in low anterior resection for rectal cancer
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Comparison of standard fusion with a "topping off" system in lumbar spine surgery: a protocol for a randomized controlled trial
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Comparison of total parathyroidectomy without autotransplantation and without thymectomy versus total parathyroidectomy with autotransplantation and with thymectomy for secondary hyperparathyroidism: TOPAR PILOT-Trial
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Continuous intraoperative monitoring of pelvic autonomic nerves during TME to prevent urogenital and anorectal dysfunction in rectal cancer patients (NEUROS): a randomized controlled trial
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CRASH2 in Germany [ISRCTN 86750102]
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Development of a clinical trial to determine whether watchful waiting is an acceptable alternative to surgical repair for patients with oligosymptomatic incisional hernia: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
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Die ABC-Studie. Hintergrund und Studienaufbau
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Effectiveness of triclosan-coated PDS Plus versus uncoated PDS II sutures for prevention of surgical site infection after abdominal wall closure: the randomised controlled PROUD trial
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Efficacy of stapler versus hand-sewn closure after distal pancreatectomy (DISPACT): a randomised, controlled multicentre trial
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Frequency of pneumothorax and haemothorax after primary open versus closed implantation strategies for insertion of a totally implantable venous access port in oncological patients: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
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HAnd Suture Versus STApling for Closure of Loop Ileostomy (HASTA Trial): Results of a Multicenter Randomized Trial (DRKS00000040)
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HAnd-suture versus STApling for Closure of Loop Ileostomy: HASTA-Trial: a study rationale and design for a randomized controlled trial
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Interrupted or Continuous Slowly Absorbable Sutures For Closure of Primary Elective Midline Abdominal Incisions: A Multicenter Randomized Trial (INSECT: ISRCTN24023541)
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Intravenous versus epidural analgesia to reduce the incidence of gastrointestinal complications after elective pancreatoduodenectomy (the PAKMAN trial, DRKS 00007784): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
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Multicenter Double-Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial of Standard Abdominal Wound Edge Protection With Surgical Dressings Versus Coverage With a Sterile Circular Polyethylene Drape for Prevention of Surgical Site Infections: A CHIR-Net Trial (BaFO; NCT01
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Open reduction and internal fixation versus casting for highly comminuted and intra-articular fractures of the distal radius (ORCHID): protocol for a randomized clinical multi-center trial
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Operative standardization in randomized controlled surgical trials. Meeting of the INSECT trial
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Pancreatogastrostomy Versus Pancreatojejunostomy for RECOnstruction After PANCreatoduodenectomy (RECOPANC, DRKS 00000767): Perioperative and Long-term Results of a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial
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Perioperative management in distal pancreatectomy: results of a survey in 23 European participating centres of the DISPACT trial and a review of literature
Bruns H, Rahbari NN, Löffler T, Diener MK, Seiler CM, GlanemannM, Butturini G, Schuhmacher C, Rossion I, Büchler MW, Junghans T, DISPACT Trial GroupTrials 2009; 10:58
Prevention of abdominal wound infection (PROUD trial, DRKS00000390): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
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Protocol design and current status of CLIVIT: A randomized controlled multicenter relevance trial comparing clips versus ligatures in thyroid surgery (ISRCTN 96901396)
Seiler CM, Fröhlich BE, Veit JA, Gazyakan E, Wente MN, Knauer C, Deckert A, Witte S, Victor N, Büchler MW, Knaebel HP and the CLIVIT Study Group (2006)Trials 2006; 7(1):27
Pulmonary wedge resection plus parietal pleurectomy (WRPP) versus parietal pleurectomy (PP) for the treatment of recurrent primary pneumothorax – WOPP-trial: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
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Randomized controlled trial of ultrasonic dissection versus standard surgical technique in open left hemicolectomy or total gastrectomy
Wilhelm D, Szabo M, Glass F, Schuhmacher C, Friess H, Feussner HBr J Surg 2011; 98(2):220-7
Resection of the primary tumour versus no resection prior to systemic therapy in patients with colon cancer and synchronous unresectable metastases (UICC stage IV): SYNCHRONOUS - A randomised controlled multicentre trial (ISRCTN30964555)
Rahbari NN, Lordick F, Fink C, Bork U, Stange A, Jager D, Luntz SP, Englert S, Rossion I, Koch M, Buchler MW, Kieser M, Weitz JBMC Cancer 2012; 12(1):142
Resection of the primary tumour versus no resection prior to systemic therapy in patients with colon cancer and synchronous unresectable metastases (UICC stage IV): SYNCHRONOUS--a randomised controlled multicentre trial (ISRCTN30964555)
Rahbari NN, Lordick F, Fink C, Bork U, Stange A, Jäger D, Luntz SP, Englert S, Rossion I, Koch M, Büchler MW, Kieser M, Weitz J; SYNCHRONOUS trial groupBMC Cancer 2012; 12:142
Short-term Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Primary Suture With Primary Glued Mesh Augmentation to Prevent Incisional Hernia
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Standard abdominal wound edge protection with surgical dressings vs coverage with a sterile circular polyethylene drape for prevention of surgical site infections (BaFO): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
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The treatment of displaced intra-articular distal radius fractures in elderly patients
Bartl C, Stengel D, Bruckner T, Gebhard F; ORCHID Study GroupDtsch Arztebl Int 2014; 111(46): 779-87
Total Parathyroidectomy With Routine Thymectomy and Autotransplantation Versus Total Parathyroidectomy Alone for Secondary Hyperparathyroidism - Results of a Nonconfirmatory Multicenter Prospective Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial
Schlosser K, Bartsch DK, Diener MK, Seiler CM, Bruckner T, Nies C, Meyer M, Neudecker J, Goretzki PE, Glockzin G, Konopke R, Rothmund MAnn Surg 2016 [ahead of print]
Vakuum-assistierte Wundbehandlung bei diabetischen Fußwunden - eine randomisierte kontrollierte Studie innerhalb der integrierten Versorgung
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Vakuum-assistierte Wundbehandlung bei diabetischen Fußwunden - eine randomisierte kontrollierte Studie innerhalb der integrierten Versorgung
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Vascular clips versus ligatures in thyroid surgery-results of a multicenter randomized controlled trial (CLIVIT Trial)
Diener MK, Seiler CM, von Frankenberg M, Rendel K, Schüle S, Maschuw K, Riedl S, Rückert JC, Eckmann C, Scharlau U, Ulrich A, Bruckner T, Knaebel HP, Rothmund M, Büchler MW; for the CLIVIT Study GroupLangenbecks Arch Surg. 2012 Oct;397(7):1117-1126