A concept for trial institutions focussing on randomised controlled trials in surgery
Rahbari NN, Diener MK, Fischer L, Wente MN, Kienle P, Muechler MW, Seiler CMTrials 2008; 9:3
Aim, content, evaluation and perspectives of surgical training in randomized trials at the Study Centre of the German Surgical Society
Veit J, Knaebel HP, Franck A, Luntz St P, Seiler CM (2006)Chirurg 2006; 77(8):725-8; German
Assessment of the benefit of medical devices in surgical practice : Problems and possible solutions
Seidel D, Braß P, Sehnke N, Jakob V, Eglmeier W, Neugebauer E und die CHIR-Net StudiengruppeChirurg 2014 May; 85(5):407-15
Challenges in evaluating surgical innovation
Ergina PL, Cook JA, Blazeby JM, Boutron I, Clavien PA, Reeves BC, Seiler CM; Balliol Collaboration, Altman DG, Aronson JK, Barkun JS, Campbell WB, Cook JA, Feldman LS, Flum DR, Glasziou P, Maddern GJ, Marshall JC, McCulloch P, Nicholl J, Strasberg SM, Meakins JL, Ashby D, Black N, Bunker J, Burton M, Campbell M, Chalkidou K, Chalmers I, de Leval M, Deeks J, Grant A, Gray M, Greenhalgh R, Jenicek M, Kehoe S, Lilford R, Littlejohns P, Loke Y, Madhock R, McPherson K, Rothwell P, Summerskill B, Taggart D, Tekkis P, Thompson M, Treasure T, Trohler U, Vandenbroucke J.Lancet 2009; 374(9695):1097-104
CHIR-Net: Eine Leistungsbilanz
Neudecker J, Diener MD, Schuhmacher C.Dt. Aerztbl. Jg. 110, Heft 11; 15. März 2013
Chirurgische Studienkultur im europäischen Ausland Ergebnisse des CHIR-Net International Visiting Programmes
Mihaljevic AL, Egert S, Tenckhoff S, Schirren R, Conradi L-C, Schumacher C, Neugebauer E, Neudecker J.Zentralbl Chir 2014;139
Clinical practice guideline: The treatment of patients with severe and multiple traumatic injuries
Neugebauer EAM, Waydhas C, Lendemans S, Rixen D, Eikermann M, Pohlemann TDtsch Arztebl Int 2012; 109(6):102-8
Clinical trials beyond the German Drug Law. Clinical trials in surgery
Seiler CM, Rossion I, Diener MKBundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz 2009; 52(4):433-8
Coordinating a national clinical trials center: the German experience
Seiler CM, Diener MK, Rahbari NN, Bauer H, Rothmund M, Büchler MWSurgery 2009; 145(6):590-7
Evaluation and stages of surgical innovations
Barkun JS, Aronson JK, Feldman LS, Maddern GJ, Strasberg SM; Balliol Collaboration, Altman DG, Barkun JS, Blazeby JM, Boutron IC, Campbell WB, Clavien PA, Cook JA, Ergina PL, Flum DR, Glasziou P, Marshall JC, McCulloch P, Nicholl J, Reeves BC, Seiler CM, Meakins JL, Ashby D, Black N, Bunker J, Burton M, Campbell M, Chalkidou K, Chalmers I, de Leval M, Deeks J, Grant A, Gray M, Greenhalgh R, Jenicek M, Kehoe S, Lilford R, Littlejohns P, Loke Y, Madhock R, McPherson K, Rothwell P, Summerskill B, Taggart D, Tekkis P, Thompson M, Treasure T, Trohler U, Vandenbroucke J.Lancet 2009; 374(9695):1089-96
Evidence based medicine – from best research evidence to a better surgical practice and health care
Antes G, Sauerland S, Seiler CM (2006)Langenbecks Arch Surg 2006; 391(2):61-67
Forschung in der Chirurgie: "Da fährt der Karren bald an die Wand"
Neugebauer EAZ Orthop Unfall 2011; 149:248-252
Forschungsstrukturen für klinische Studien in der Chirurgie – das Chirurgische Netzwerk (CHIR-NET) der fünf Chirurgischen Regionalzentren und des SDGC
Seiler CM, Schumacher C, Schwenk W, Rothmund MMitt Dtsch Ges Chir 2007; 51
Four years of teaching principles in clinical trials - a continuous evaluation of the postgraduate workshop for surgical investigators at the study center of the German Surgical Society
Fischer L, Bruckner T, Diener MK, Kadmon M, Wente MN, Sauerland S, Seiler CMJ Surg Educ 2009; 66(1):15-9
Impact of clinical trials for surgery
Seiler CM, Diener MK, Schuhmacher CChirurg 2010; 81(4):334-40
Implementierung und Barrieren der Umsetzung der S3-Leitlinien in die klinische Forschung
Neugebauer EAM.Schmerz 2006; 20(Suppl. 1):22
Klinische Studien in der Chirurgie
Sauerland S, Seiler CM, Neugebauer EAM.Allgemeine und Viszeralchirurgie up2date 2 2008; 133-50
Klinische Studien in der Chirurgie - Versorgungsforschung der Zukunft? "Health service research of the future? About possibilities and needs of pragmatic studies in surgery"
Schiessling S, Diener MK, Post S, Büchler MW, Seiler CMZentralbl Chir 2011; 136(2):87-89
Kurrikulum für Rotationsärzte im CHIR-Net
Skoetz N, Arenz D, Ganzera S, Kaulhausen T, Siewe J, Oh JS, Zarghooni K, Sauerland S, Seiler C and Cornely OAChirurg 2009; 80(5):466-472, German
Negative trial results are important to understand the mechanisms of multimodality therapy in gastric cancer
Schuhmacher C.Gastric Cancer 2011
No surgical innovation without evaluation: the IDEAL recommendations
McCulloch P, Altman DG, Campbell WB, Flum DR, Glasziou P, Marshall JC, Nicholl J; Balliol Collaboration, Aronson JK, Barkun JS, Blazeby JM, Boutron IC, Campbell WB, Clavien PA, Cook JA, Ergina PL, Feldman LS, Flum DR, Maddern GJ, Nicholl J, Reeves BC, Seiler CM, Strasberg SM, Meakins JL, Ashby D, Black N, Bunker J, Burton M, Campbell M, Chalkidou K, Chalmers I, de Leval M, Deeks J, Ergina PL, Grant A, Gray M, Greenhalgh R, Jenicek M, Kehoe S, Lilford R, Littlejohns P, Loke Y, Madhock R, McPherson K, Meakins J, Rothwell P, Summerskill B, Taggart D, Tekkis P, Thompson M, Treasure T, Trohler U, Vandenbroucke J.Lancet 2009; 374(9695):1105-12
Patientenorientierte chirurgische Forschung im Verbund – Das Chirurgische Studiennetzwerk CHIR-Net
Neudecker J, Tenckhoff S, Mihaljevic ALZ Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes. 2015;109(3):211-7
Perspektiven der Chirurgischen Forschung 2020
Neugebauer EZentralbl Chir 2011; 136:1-7
Priorisierung von Studienprojekten in der Chirurgie
Moreno Borchart, A.Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie 2011; 61-66
Project selection and protocol design in the Study Centre of the German Surgical Society
Witte St, Knaebel HP, Kienle P, Seiler CM (2006)Chirurg 2006; 77(6):531-4, German
PROSPECT: a practical method for formulating evidence-based expert recommendations for the management of postoperative pain
Neugebauer EAM, Wilkinson RC, Kehlet H, Schug S, Group obotPW.Surg Endosc 2007; 21:1047-53
Randomisiert kontrollierte und kontrollierte klinische Studien in der Zeitschrift Der Chirurg
Diener MK, Blümle A, Szakallas V, Antes G, Seiler CM (2006)Chirurg 2006; 77(9):837-843. German
Ranking of patient and surgeons' perspectives for endpoints in randomized controlled trials--lessons learned from the POVATI trial [ISRCTN 60734227]
Fischer L, Deckert A, Diener MK, Zimmermann JB, Büchler MW, Seiler CMLangenbecks Arch Surg 2011; 396(7):1061-6
Rotating physician in CHIR-Net : Evaluation of the curriculum.
Knöll P, Oppermann J, Vehreschild J, Beyer F, Kaulhausen T, Siewe J, Stein G, Otto C, Cornely O, Eysel P, Wyen H, Jakob V, Neugebauer E, Zarghooni K.Chirurg. 2013 Jun 12. [Epub ahead of print]
Study methods in evidence-based surgery: methodological impediments and suggested approaches for the creation and transfer of knowledge in surgery
Hüttner FJ, Doerr-Harim C, Probst P, Tenckhoff S, Knebel P, Diener MK.Eur Surg Res 2014;53(1-4):86-94
The dual role of academic surgeons as clinicians and researchers - an attempt to square the circle? [Editorial]
Huber-Lang M, Neugebauer EPatient Saf Surg 2011; 5:16
To whom do the results of the multicenter, randomized, controlled INSECT trial (ISRCTN 24023541) apply? - Assessment of external validity
Fischer L, Knaebel HP, Golcher H, Bruckner T, Diener MK, Bachmann J, Buchler MW, Seiler CMBMC Surg 2012; 12(1):2
Why nurses fly and surgeons rotate : The surgical study network CHIR-Net
Wyen H, Jakob V, Neudecker J, Tenckhoff S, Seidel D, Affüpper-Fink M, Knöll P, Neugebauer EA; und die ChirNet Studiengruppe.Chirurg. 2013 Jul;84(7):580-6
[Clinical research in orthopaedics--creation of a clinical trial unit in orthopaedics/trauma surgery]
Otto C, Siewe J, Zarghooni K, Kaulhausen T, Sauerland S, Eysel P, Cornely OA.Z Orthop Unfall 2010; 148:145-148
[Clinical studies outside university clinics : What are the problems to implement this?]
Zurbuchen U, Schwenk W, Bussar-Maatz R, Wichlas F, Buhr HJ, Neudecker J, Ritz JP.Chirurg 2010; 81(2):160-6, German
[Evidence-based surgery - The Study Center of the German Surgical Society]
Probst P, Klaiber U, Hüttner F, Doerr-Harim C, Knebel P, Rossion I, Büchler MW, Diener MKZ Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes. 2015;109(3):199-210. German
[State of the art of lumbar intervertebral disc replacement]
Zarghooni K, Siewe J, Eysel POrthopade 2011; 40(2):141-7, German